Before I Grow Old

Monday, February 25, 2002


15 Feb 2002 was a special day coz it was the same day of the month, week (Friday), sixty years ago that singapore fall into the hands of the japanese. I remember learning from history txtbk that it was also CNY that year. it was a horrifying memory for most of our old folks. I m mentioning it here coz the siren went off for appr. 30secs in ntu on Friday evening.. and it could be heard islandwide as a commemoration of that faithful day. let us take 10secs of silence in memory of those who fell for the nation....

God bless them n their family...

bits from sch....

have you ever sat in a lect in which the people besides you talk thru out the lect? in ntu, ce lect, the one i attend, there r quite a few of these people ard. in particular, the indians from india. i'm not being racist when i single them out coz its a phenomenon here and gets on my nerve alot. they talk loudly in the speed of bullet, as if the rest of the pple r wear headphones and can only hear what the lecturer is saying. they also call out to each other sitting rows across. they rock their legs in a way you feel their wonderful sense of rhythm on the back of ur seat. they stretch their hands out to the back in a way that they can tickle your knees. perhaps next time one indian from india decides to sit beside me and engage in an amusing conversation w his friend during lect, i'll stuck my mechanical pencil down his throat. =) hopethat he gets my point.

students aint the only weird pple ard. my maths lecturer (dressed in shirt n tie) laid flat on the table this morning while waiting for students to come in. he later said that he had a tired weekend. i thot he wanted to get our attention coz pple dun stop talking, or mabe he just wanted to get into the top-10 most interesting lecturer inntu?

pieces from outside..

a lil' boy who sat beside me puke all over the seat on the train. i din realise the mess he made till i saw pple staring at his direction and there was a strange stench in the air. (i had my earplugs-style-phones on and was engrossed in studying my notes mah). of coz the first thing that came to my mind was whether i kena his puke or not. lol. okok, try not to imagine that, i know its gross. but then i started thinking how the boy feel. the poor thing must have eaten too much cny goodies and got train-sick. i bet he was feeling really embarassed. (its like stan from southpark puking whenever he see the girl he likes) well, the commendable thing is that his parents were what i consider as considerate singaporeans. they din just walk away from the mess. they helped the boy changed his clothes, use tissuepuked. lol.


today i sat beside this guy who smelled like he applied a few tubes of SAF insect repellent all over himself.

(20:02 20-02-2002 supposed to be really signficant. isnt any other day, any other min, sec significant too, they are each unique and won'treturn for us....)


you know how it is always very difficult to get buy things which you are looking for, and that they are usually available almost everywhere? i firmly believe its true. my friend told me that giordano sells cheap ankle socks, so i decided to check out the shop at northpoint. it was 1130 this morning and the store was still closed. strange isnt it? so i thot perhaps i can get it at the stall in jurong point. the shop at jp was under renovation! i ended up getting my socks at BATA. $5.99 for two pairs. cheap sia. =p

i think this mail is getting stale, time to mail it out! wEeeEeEEeEEE~~~ "you've got mail!"

to those getting leslie's-true-life-story-mail (ltlsm) for the first time, welcome to my silly way of keeping you in touch w my dull life. coz i care.-awwwwwwwww- lol.


n/o ppl on this mailing list: eight.

n/o ppl first time receiving ltlsm: five

n/o ltlsm b4 this: four

p.s. What's the reason that yer lips start to getdry and yer eyes start fogging up when talking to someone? =p

Thursday, February 14, 2002


"fishballs, sotong balls, meat balls...cuttlefish, prawns, scallops, quail eggs, fish, chicken, fa cai, tang-oh (some kinda vege u put in the soup), abalone, shark fin, suan4 cai4 (eat already can do well in maths), pig stomach, yu sheng..... yes, i am talking bout steamboat. usually nobody manages to finish the dinner. like looking at the food wld make u full. after dinner, children will bathe and change into new pjs, drink the diam teng (sweet soup with logan, mu er, red dates.. etc.), and wait for ang bao from mummy and daddy..(ya1 shui4 qian2, suppose to help u grow faster)

i no longer wear new pj on cny eve, but i'm still thrilled to get ang bao from my parents. its not bout the money, but some other reason which i duno howta explain......

9_02_02 ===> yay! its finally sat! so glad tat i gotta go home. but who wld have expected my long weekend was gonna start in a strange way -"story of my missin' wallet"...."i had this vision of losing it the whole week (thats y i haben carry a wallet for a long time). i guess it was a moment of carelessness. i left my wallet on the table during breakfast at canteen2. i discovered it only after the lec. went straight to can2 to search for it (coz that's prolly the only time i took out my wallet). the clean-table-auntie said she din see. so i went back to LT, following exactly the same path i took in the morning... then i decided to go back give the auntie my hp no. so that she can call me if she finds it. i stayed at the canteen for awhile, waiting for my friend who was eating his lunch. Then i received a call saying that someone picked up my wallet in the morning and passed it to the sell-drinks-auntie. my wallet and i then
live happily every after!"

my bed is so nice! so relaxing lorh. i love my bed! hmmmm... earlier this week, the pc at home crashed. 'windows protection error. system halt.' (corrupted windows?!) packard bell shucks. my dad solved e prob by getting a new hard disk and copying data over, then restoring to factory settings. but he did not copy my data over. my scans of articles from bigo and high cost of living were all gone... -sadsad-

that wasnt the only prob. the usb keyboard cant be detected... i havta rely on the on-screen kb... i am practically clicking out EVERY letterin this mail NOW. -seeing stars and finger starting to cramp- ... the other time mouse spoil i also improvised... but i must say having a defective kb is definitely a more painful experience...

cny eve ===> i tried very hard to finish my 106 electronics lab (4 graphs to draw) its the third day in a row i am trying. wasnt too successfuleither.

my dad bought a new wooden rice container. but the two sacks of rice were filled with those lil' rice-eating black bugs (whats their name).... 'so MANY 'kae!'....-shudders- So i helped him to get rid of those pests one by one. searched for them grain by grain. some of those pests were breeding inside the grain itself. if you break it, they'll crawl out!

this year we had reunion dinner in the dining hall instead of kitchen. the food looked more appetizing there. there were more 6 chairs. i secretly wondered how nice it'd be if one day my wife/gf can sit there and have reunion dinner wmy family. =p

14_02_02 valentine ===> cny wasnt very eventful... there weren't a pretty girls out there. i wonder if that gonna be the trend for the next few years? had been dreaming bout granny on the past few days, it was like she's still around with us.. hmm.... anyway the supposely long weekend is over. -frowns-

a girl carried a heart-shaped balloon into the LT this morning. the crowd went "WOW". maybe CE folks are easily amused? i bet almost every girl in the biz/acct lec is carrying a balloon or some gifts from their admirer/bf. or perhaps they skipped it altogether and are in town having a good time? i don't have a valentine. so i am here typing this mail and gonna do my labs and tutorials later. but i m glad to know that if time permits, someone wld actually wanna go for dinner w me? -winks- bleahhhhhhhh.... happy valentine! -huGs-

click here! ==>

P.S. There are three really special people on my mailing list now!

Tuesday, February 05, 2002

Cannot Make It!

been wondering why neva get any mails bout my life lately, or not even those jokes i send out weekly? its becoz.... i have been really busy. not that i am free now, but i am taking a well-deserved break. lol. coz i just finished doing my programming lab and the program works! isn't that wonderful? lol.

haben been sleeping much recently. sleep at average of 0130 or 0200 hrs everyday and wake up at 0830 daily. had been spending more and more hours in school last few weeks. today, 7 hours of lessons. but that just means that i aint spending that 3-4 hrs in btwn lecs and tut in the lib..but attendingmake-up tutorials (coz of cny next week).

"just now a girl came knocking on my door. she was selling tibits. she said its for charity, so i immediately bought one pack, $2... then after she went off i realised.. mabe she's not selling for charity or whatever, shd have asked what r the beneficiaries! but the cheese balls tastedgreat anyway. lol. "

"it was 2hrs tut on technical writing report. i find the tut pretty silly. you'll understand why as i go on...

in the 1st task of the tut, they gave us some data, figures.. supposed to put the data into a table and chart. i insisted that my grp just draw it out on the paper and put it on the visualizer. we were the first to present.. haha. looks kinda sloppy, but clear and simple. the other groups used excel to make the bar charts.. they had trouble switching displaying their screen into the main screen.. prob w the control. den they tried to print chart to display on the visualizer.. prob w the printer.... it was like 10mins later b4 they managed to present their work. lol. i knew that we can't trust too muchon technology!

task 2, supposed to write out some instructions on "howta clean the mouse" to a 10-year-old child. and we insisted on writing on paper again! hehe. this guy went up and demo on howta unscrew the lid... take out the mouse trackball.... clean it.. etc.. on the visualizer. lol. giant mouse! he add that mouse ball doesnt taste nice, so betta not put it in themouth.

task 3, supposed to think of an equipement and do a description or instruction on it.. we.. erm.. did the mouse again. lol. talked bout functions of the single click n double click. another group didmonitor..... and one did the keyboard!

so a buncha Computer Engine undergrad had a good time discussing howta clean the mouse. lol. "

"now i am very shack.. coz evening i wenta nanyang house to do "cho gang".. hard labour la. =p move chairs/ tables/ bottles of drinks..etc... from there to the nanyang audit. coz tmr is the starting of the volunteerism week, so gotta set up the stalls at the audit.. not many pple turn up to do manual work. haha... so had a good work out... hopefully tmr my hands wun tremble when i hold a cup or pen. unfortunately, as i dun have much muscles... i end up getting many red lines
on my arms.. like cuts.. but no exactly cut or bleeding. looks more like i had been abused badly. lol. den next 2 days still gotta man a booth.. once in NIE once in canteen A. so sian ar! gotta ask pple buy something to raise fund... this kinda job hardta to do! anyway in the name of volunteerism.. i think it all shd be worthwhile...

btw, i bought my cny clothes yesterday.. one levi's engineered jeans, two tees. was quite tired walking whole day... duno why these days cannot make it. yahyah... cannot make it.. now i m dead tired. gonna retire to lala land!
