Before I Grow Old

Tuesday, February 05, 2002

Cannot Make It!

been wondering why neva get any mails bout my life lately, or not even those jokes i send out weekly? its becoz.... i have been really busy. not that i am free now, but i am taking a well-deserved break. lol. coz i just finished doing my programming lab and the program works! isn't that wonderful? lol.

haben been sleeping much recently. sleep at average of 0130 or 0200 hrs everyday and wake up at 0830 daily. had been spending more and more hours in school last few weeks. today, 7 hours of lessons. but that just means that i aint spending that 3-4 hrs in btwn lecs and tut in the lib..but attendingmake-up tutorials (coz of cny next week).

"just now a girl came knocking on my door. she was selling tibits. she said its for charity, so i immediately bought one pack, $2... then after she went off i realised.. mabe she's not selling for charity or whatever, shd have asked what r the beneficiaries! but the cheese balls tastedgreat anyway. lol. "

"it was 2hrs tut on technical writing report. i find the tut pretty silly. you'll understand why as i go on...

in the 1st task of the tut, they gave us some data, figures.. supposed to put the data into a table and chart. i insisted that my grp just draw it out on the paper and put it on the visualizer. we were the first to present.. haha. looks kinda sloppy, but clear and simple. the other groups used excel to make the bar charts.. they had trouble switching displaying their screen into the main screen.. prob w the control. den they tried to print chart to display on the visualizer.. prob w the printer.... it was like 10mins later b4 they managed to present their work. lol. i knew that we can't trust too muchon technology!

task 2, supposed to write out some instructions on "howta clean the mouse" to a 10-year-old child. and we insisted on writing on paper again! hehe. this guy went up and demo on howta unscrew the lid... take out the mouse trackball.... clean it.. etc.. on the visualizer. lol. giant mouse! he add that mouse ball doesnt taste nice, so betta not put it in themouth.

task 3, supposed to think of an equipement and do a description or instruction on it.. we.. erm.. did the mouse again. lol. talked bout functions of the single click n double click. another group didmonitor..... and one did the keyboard!

so a buncha Computer Engine undergrad had a good time discussing howta clean the mouse. lol. "

"now i am very shack.. coz evening i wenta nanyang house to do "cho gang".. hard labour la. =p move chairs/ tables/ bottles of drinks..etc... from there to the nanyang audit. coz tmr is the starting of the volunteerism week, so gotta set up the stalls at the audit.. not many pple turn up to do manual work. haha... so had a good work out... hopefully tmr my hands wun tremble when i hold a cup or pen. unfortunately, as i dun have much muscles... i end up getting many red lines
on my arms.. like cuts.. but no exactly cut or bleeding. looks more like i had been abused badly. lol. den next 2 days still gotta man a booth.. once in NIE once in canteen A. so sian ar! gotta ask pple buy something to raise fund... this kinda job hardta to do! anyway in the name of volunteerism.. i think it all shd be worthwhile...

btw, i bought my cny clothes yesterday.. one levi's engineered jeans, two tees. was quite tired walking whole day... duno why these days cannot make it. yahyah... cannot make it.. now i m dead tired. gonna retire to lala land!



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