Before I Grow Old

Sunday, March 24, 2002

Bipolar Junction Transistor

hey hey,
you haven't been hearing from me coz i had been really busy. maybe thats a good thing for u huh? =P
its less than one month to the start of exams. anyway how r u doing? neva hear from u either.

23_03_02 ----> it was the last session of my eca, RSP elders, b4 exams. to make it special, we made sandwiches for the folks. the sandwiches were stuffed w eggs cooked in all kinda styles. mayo eggs, scarmbled eggs, fried eggs...etc. i managed to learn something new while cutting the cucumbers. lol. you have to cut of the head of the cucumber, rub it against the edge of the cut, till some white form comes out. supposedly, this will make the cucumber taste not so bitter. neva know that! 'kay 'kay, prolly its just me who is ignorant to these kinda cooking tricks. newae, the final products was wonderful according to the folks. i had a good time giving out the sandwiches too! its such satisfaction to see the folks smiling at you and enjoying what u made for them.
in the end there was quite alot of eggs leftover, we played some guessing no. game and 7UP to get pple to forfiet and eat the eggs
evening went for dinner outing with the other FOC GLs at holland v. it was my first outing with them. they were rather friendly pple, i guess most volunteers must be nice pple. hehehe. anyway we cld't decide which fancy restaurant to go. Ended up in nydc. i had baked rice and mudpie. yum yum.

24_03_03 ---------> and now... i am in hall, struggling to finish up my formal lab report due next sat. -sigh- prolly gonna spend more time in hall over the next few weekends.
other updates: i m still sticking to my running regime. average of 3 times per week rd the sch by the 179 or 199 or 179+199 routes. it feels so good when you come back from run! such energy! but when it wears of in bout an hr, i'd feel so dead tired. lol

Tuesday, March 05, 2002

I'm your Venus, I'm your Fire, your Desire

Sigh-yike. So many things I wanna do but have not started working on them. Think I betta write it down, before I forget again. Remind me in the near future...

**sHoRt rUn**

one ~ Start an e-zine (ie. go learn Flash and CSS)

two ~ Learn howta cook (ie. able to prepare an edible, tasty four dishes, one soup meal)

three ~ Improve my photograhy skills. (ie. splash out a few hundred dollars for some expensive equipments including new SLR, a couple of lens, filters, tripod, camera bag, a couple of Lomos for fun, and maybe finallyenroll in an actual camera handling course.)

four ~ Learn more bout filming (not just press the red button la, everyone can do that.. learn some techniques, and video editingtricks)

five ~ Practice more drumming ( <--- found this good site for d.i.y. in drumming.. guys can go aso la. heh)

six ~ Get more lobang to do comm work if my time permits. (ie, make time thru less slacking, intensed revision. ( this one is difficult)

**lOnG rUn**

one ~ backpack travelling around europe, states/canada (esp. quebec) , china and hopefully india too (ie. gotta have lotsa $$$, work out all the details, study bout the route, languages, geography, culture, get a sub-notebook, videocam, normal cam, physically fit, woah. a whole lot. but thats where the short term targets come useful.) i wanna see for real whats shown in the tube, taste the delicious foodies, interview ppl, make friends, record it all down. bring home postcards, music, sights n sounds, experiences, contacts, yadayada.. u get the picture. =p its one big journey! i invite u along. (",)


26_02_02 ===> i finished watching a beautiful mind while trying to study discrete maths (yea, multi-tasking -again-). its bout john forbes nash, a genius in maths, with huge appetite for codes. and then, a twist in the prime of his career. -phew- i neva like maths. but its really cool to have nobel winner walking ard ur campus - till today, john nash still walks ard the campus of princeton. i wonder if there r any greats walking ard ntu. hrmmmmmz. anyway i recommend this movie 2 u. =). hope i din talk too much bout it to ruin the show.

02_03_02 ====> i made my way down to SIR in the morning to extend my passport. i thought i was early, but there were 50 numbers b4 mine in the queue. luckily many were not there when their numbers were called. so skip skip skip to my turn in half an hour. the actual stamping and updating took less than a min. So efficient! after which i checked out the Central National Library @ Stanford Rd for some referemce materials to write my essay lorh. followed by 2 hrs in ymca mac studying convolution. lol. after bummin ard orchard, i got my first taste of singapore fans (not my fans la, fans of WEWE) at heerens. they were all screeming la, surrounding the stage and the corridors. so i din getta see anything. din matter anyway. =p you know who are the WEWE? was it worse a J8 the other day when F4 came to town? hope u aint guilty of being one of those there. bleahhhh. silly band names. WEWE, F4?? How about backspace or num lockhuh? creative.

the evening news reported that the famous underwear thief of NTU was charged on court today. it turned out that the thief was a 31 yr-old guy who drove around ntu to different halls. he'd grab a few pieces of expensive female undergarments from the clothesline and hide them under his shirt. from the picture published in the sch's newspaper, i thought he looked like a hall resident (pic on sundae times was covered w mosaic on his face). Was he trying to imitate his idol in Ranma 1/2? pervertic.

03_03_02 ===> finally got my taste of tour de NTU by foot. the sucky network was down. feeling bored i decided to run @ ard 9.15pm. the first few hundred metres was the yunnan garden, fountains, chinese heritage centre and the expressway. everything sorta glow in the dark. then it was a stretch of the road along hall 7 which was rather errie. it was so quiet that i cld only hear the sounds of insects - hostelites of hall 7 and 3 are so much more well-behaved. =p. i tried to stay focus and not imagine too much, but the winding road and trees gave me the feeling of being lost in some neva ending road - like those chinese ghost serials. the gradual up-slope outside the CEE fingers was so long that it almost killed me when i was only halfway up. i tried to pick up my pace whenever 179 whiz by and when i ran past busstops (dun wanna sia suay mah). the downslope to NIE was a breeze. but the ground was uneven as there was construction of the new biotech buildings on the side. the construction site was dark and dangerous. i decided to focus on my running and not wonder in. more downslope past lib 1 to hall 2. i saw more pple too. the end was near when i past the hall 6 bus-stop. from behind "tum tum tum" one guy ran past me in amazing speed. i wasn't ready to catch up w him coz i was just steps from hall 1 bus-stop, my finishing point. my timing? -shrugs- i was happy i made it. perhaps i'd start running in the evening from now on. i sorta stopped running in the morning after week2. lol.

till next time .study hard.~*